Document: Actions: William Teller against Jacob Thyssen and Cornelis Theunissen Bosch; Dirckie Martensen against Jochern Kittelheym; judgment for Daniel Rinckhout against Jan Fransen Van Hoesen

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Actions. William Teller agst, Jacob Thyssen and Cornelis Theunissen Bosch, for calling him a backbiter; put over. Dirckie Martensen agst. Jochern Kittelheym, for detaining her wagon and for an assault committed, on plaintiff by defendant's wife; put over. Judgment for plaintiff in the case of Daniel Rinckhout agst. Jan Fransen Van Hoesen, for the sum of 223 guilders.

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Arent Pietersen Tack, plaintiff, against Cornelis Teunesen Bosch, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of 9 beavers, which the defendant has agreed to pay for Jochim Kitteleyn.The defendant says that he has not agreed to pay the debt, but that he is held as surety and that the plaintiff must first call upon the person of Jochim Kittelheym and that on his failure to pay, he, the defendant, shall be held to pay.The plaintiff undertakes to prove that the defendant has agreed to pay the debt.The honorable court adjourns the case until the next court day, when the plaintiff is to produce his evidence.

Ordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeSeptember 28, 1660


La MontagneAnderies HerpertsenSander LeendersenFrans BaerentsenEvert Wendel

Cornelis Wijnkoop, plaintiff, againstDefault. Claes Ripsen, defendant.

Meester Adriaen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Willem Brouwer and Cornelis Teunesen Bosch, defendants.

Gerrit Bancken, plaintiff, againstDefault. Jan van Eeckelen, defendant.

Gillis Pietersen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Baerent Meyndersen, defendant.

Eldert Gerbersen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Jacob Thijsen, defendant.

Cornelis Bogardus, plaintiff, againstDefault. Jan van Breemen, defendant.

Willem Teller, plaintiff, against Jacob Thijsen van der Heyden and Cornelis Theunesen Bosch, defendants.The plaintiff asks of the defendants reparation of honor, as the defendants called him a defamer, saying that the plaintiff robbed them of their reputation. He requests that the defendants prove it.The defendants ask time until the next court day.The honorable court grants the defendants time until the next court day to prove their charges.

Dirckien Martensen, plaintiff, against Jochim Kittleheym, defendant.The plaintiff complains that the defendant kept a wagon of hers and that, in addition, the defendant’s wife[1] beat her. She asks for justice in the matter.The defendant’s wife, appearing before the court, admits that she beat the plaintiff because the plaintiff called her names, but she says that she found the wagon in the river.The honorable court, having heard the parties, gives them time until the next court day to present their evidence.

Aert Pietersen Tack, plaintiff, against Cornelis Theunesen Bosch, defendant.The plaintiff asks, as on the preceding court day, payment of nine beavers and, according to the order of the honorable court, exhibits affidavits of Leender Philipsen and Cobus Theunesen that the defendant absolutely agreed to pay the debt. He furthermore claims three guilders, twelve stivers for costs of this suit.The defendant says that the honorable court knew everything about the matter.The honorable court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the 9 beavers and costs within the space of eight days.

Eva Rinckhouts, plaintiff, against2d default. Claes van den Bergh, defendant.

Harmen Idesen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Hendrick Gerritsen, defendant.

Johannes La Montagne, in his capacity as officer, plaintiff, against Philip Hendricksen, defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant must make answer according to the last order of the honorable court.The defendant says that he asked the officer for delay, as he cannot get ready so soon. He says that he will have his case ready in the space of eight days.The honorable court grants the defendant time until the next court day to reply to everything.The court, having examined the documents delivered to them by Rutger Jacobsen and Frans Baerentsen Pastoor, magistrates authorized to examine the accounts between Daniel Rinckhout and Jan Fransen van Hoesem, order Jan Fransen van Hoesem to pay Daniel Rinckhoudt according to the decision of the authorized magistrates the sum of thirteen guilders in beavers and two hundred ten guilders, eleven stivers, in sewant, in the space of fourteen days, the costs to be paid by both parties.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Anna Willems

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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