Document: Actions for debt; John Albertsen against Jacob Tyssen

Holding Institution
(link is external)New York State Archives
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Actions for debt. John Albertsen agst. Jacob Tyssen, for calling him a hen stealer.

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In the name of the Lord. Amen[1]

Continuation of the court proceedings of the court of justice of Fort Orange, the village of Beverwijck and the dependencies thereof, established in loco, the 10th of April 1652, by the right honorable director general and council of New Netherland.

Ordinary Session Held in Fort Orangethe 13th of January, 1660


La MontagneFrancois BoonAnderies HerpertsenAlexander LeendersenJan Verbeeck

Cornelis Breuckelen, plaintiff, against1st default. Teunis Comelissen, defendant.

Arent Hendricksen, plaintiff, against1st default. Poulus Comelissen, defendant.

Poulus Comelissen, plaintiff, against Reynier Albersen and Egbert, the servant of Sander Leendersen, defendants.The plaintiff persists in his previous complaint, made on the preceding court day, being the 9th of December 1659, about the shortage of 30 schepels of salt, and in accordance with the order of the honorable court, has caused the coparticipants to be summoned.The honorable court orders that, while there is an opportunity to send a letter by an Indian, the parties shall write to the Manhattans, both to the city weighmaster and to those from whom they obtained the salt, in order to have further information on the subject.

Michiel Teunesen, plaintiff, against Femmetien Albertsen, defendant.The plaintiff says that he is being sued on account of debts contracted between him and Femmetien Albersen during their partnership and shows by judgment given on the 5th of September 1657 that he owes nothing, persisting in his former denial.The court orders that the defendant in accordance with the previous judgment shall pay all the debts made by them both during their partnership.

Jan Albers, plaintiff, against Jacob Tijsen, defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant called him a chicken thief and demands proof thereof.The defendant admits having said it and calls Gerrit Slechtenhorst as a witness.Gerrit Slechtenhorst, appearing before the court, says that it is true that Jan Albersen has had a hen of his and that it was cooped up a long time and was marked differently, but not that he said that Jan Albersen had stolen it, nor that he was a thief.The honorable court adjourns the case to the next court day.

Daniel Rinckhout, plaintiff, against Jan Fransen, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant twenty-one and a half beavers.The defendant denies that he owes as much as the plaintiff claims.The honorable court orders parties to adjust their accounts and to appear before the court on the next court day about any difference which may remain.

Pieter Boudt, plaintiff, against1st default. Cornelus Hoogenboom, defendant.

Hans Coenraets, plaintiff, against1st default. Jan van Eckelen, defendant.

Ordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeJanuary 27, 1660


La MontagneFrancois BoonAnderies HerpertsenAlexander LeendersenJan Verbeeck

Gerrit Swardt, plaintiff, against1st default. Jan Tijmesen, defendant.

Jan Albersen, plaintiff, against1st default. Jacob Thijsen, defendant.

Rutger Jacobsen, plaintiff, against1st default. Hendrick Claesen, defendant.

Pieter Boudt, plaintiff, against2d default. Cornelus Hoogenboom, defendant.

Jan Van Hoesen, plaintiff, against Eva Rinckhouts, defendant.The honorable court adjourns the case to the next court day.

Frans Baerentsen, plaintiff, against1st default. Femmetien Albersen, defendant.

Hans Coenraets, plaintiff, against Jan van Eckelen, defendant.The court refers the parties to the previous judgment given on the 28th of October 1659.

Jan van Eeckelen, plaintiff, against Reynier Wisselpenninck, defendant.Defendant in default.

The honorable officer, plaintiff, against Hendrick Anderiesen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of seventy-one guilders, by balance of account resulting from some excess committed by the defendant.The defendant admits the debt and the excess committed by him, but claims that what he did to Cristoffel Davidts was settled with the officer by his brother-in-law, Jacob Jansen Stol, deceased, who promised to pay the sum because the excess was committed on his account.The plaintiff admits that such an agreement was made, but inasmuch as he has received no satisfaction, he demands the same from the defendant as the offender in the case.The honorable court, having heard the parties, orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum of twenty-one guilders. [ Decision in ] the action of the plaintiff against the defendant for the ƒ50 is reserved, the court remaining sureties for the money.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: This final section continues the records held by the New York State Archives as vol. 16, partt. 3, of NYCM, which begins on page 133.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York. (link is external)  

Translation link see: (link is external)

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the (link is external)Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
(link is external)New Netherland Institute website.

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