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Displaying 9801 - 9900 of 17101 Entries
17101 Total Entries
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Title Date Document ID Document Finding Aid or Collection Holding Institution
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1661-07-16 NYC-RNA_OM_100a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Letter|Seth Verbrugge and Jelis van Hoorenbeeck regarding the requirement that Annetje Dircks; widow of Dirck
Smitt; about to sail for Holland; shall have to address herself to them in order to satisfy the orphan chamber
1661-07-22 NYC-RNA_OM_101 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1661-08-25 NYC-RNA_OM_101a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1661-09-06 NYC-RNA_OM_102 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1661-09-09 NYC-RNA_OM_102a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1661-10-01 NYC-RNA_OM_103 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1661-12-08 NYC-RNA_OM_103a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Order|Elsie Tijmans; widow of Cornelis van der Veen; Marijcken Lubbers; widow of Abraham de la Noij; and Cornelis Pluijvier; widower of Geertruijt Andries van Coesvelt; to submit inventories of their estates 1661-12-08 NYC-RNA_OM_104 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1661-12-15 NYC-RNA_OM_104a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Appearance|Marijcken Lubbers; widow of Abraham de la Noij; last will exhibited; orphan chamber excluded 1661-12-15 NYC-RNA_OM_105 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Appearance|Cornelis Pluijvier; recently widowed; last will exhibited; surety for inheritance of wife’s brother required 1661-12-15 NYC-RNA_OM_106 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1661-12-22 NYC-RNA_OM_108a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Copy of a Note|Copy of the last will and testament of Anna Claas Croesens and Daniel Litsco; before notary Mattheus de Vos at
New Amsterdam
1661-12-26 NYC-RNA_OM_116a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Appearance|Cornelis Pluijvier; mortgaging property in New Amsterdam as surety for the inheritance of wife’s brother 1661-12-29 NYC-RNA_OM_108 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1661-12-29 NYC-RNA_OM_109 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1662-02-23 NYC-RNA_OM_110 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Order|Weintje; widow of Aart Willemsen; to submit an inventory of the estate 1662-02-23 NYC-RNA_OM_110a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1662-02-27 NYC-RNA_OM_111 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1662-03-02 NYC-RNA_OM_111a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1662-03-09 NYC-RNA_OM_112 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Appearance|Raghel van Tienhoven; regarding the books of her husband retained by the West India Company; decision to submit request to Director General and Council 1662-03-09 NYC-RNA_OM_112a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Declaration|Weijntje Elberts; widow of Aart Willemsen; as to the settlement of the paternal inheritance on the minor children; mortgage on houses and lots as surety 1662-03-09 NYC-RNA_OM_113 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1662-03-11 NYC-RNA_OM_113a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1662-03-16 NYC-RNA_OM_114 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1662-03-23 NYC-RNA_OM_114a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1662-04-06 NYC-RNA_OM_115 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1662-04-27 NYC-RNA_OM_115a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Exhibition|Exhibition by Anna Claas Croesens; widow of Daniel Litsco; of their last will 1662-04-27 NYC-RNA_OM_116 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1662-06-15 NYC-RNA_OM_119 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1662-07-20 NYC-RNA_OM_119a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Order|Margriet Hardenbroeck; widow of Pieter Rudolfus; who intends to marry Frerick Flipsen; to submit a statement and inventory of the paternal inheritance of her minor child 1662-11-23 NYC-RNA_OM_120 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Copy of a Note|Copy of the last will and testament of Salomon La Chair and Anneken Rijzens; before notary Walewijn van der Veen at New Amsterdam 1662-12-03 NYC-RNA_OM_131a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1662-12-04 NYC-RNA_OM_120a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1662-12-14 NYC-RNA_OM_121 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Appearance|Margriet Hardenbroeck; unsigned prenuptial agreement with Frerijck Flipsen considered insufficient; order to make settlement for the paternal inheritance of the minor child 1662-12-14 NYC-RNA_OM_121a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1662-12-18 NYC-RNA_OM_122a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Appointment|Pieter Jacobzen Marius as curator of the estate of Nicolaas Velthuijsen instead of Tielman van Vleeck 1662-12-18 NYC-RNA_OM_123a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1663-01-29 NYC-RNA_OM_124 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Copy of a Note|Copy of the last will and testament of Cornelis Langevelt and Merritje Jans Joncker; before notary Walewijn van der Veen at New Amsterdam 1663-02-07 NYC-RNA_OM_129bb New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1663-02-08 NYC-RNA_OM_124a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1663-02-22 NYC-RNA_OM_125a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1663-03-12 NYC-RNA_OM_126a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Appearance|Catharijna Ernstingh; widow of Hendrick Jansen Sluijter; questioned as to the estate of her husband 1663-03-12 NYC-RNA_OM_127 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1663-03-14 NYC-RNA_OM_127a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1663-03-29 NYC-RNA_OM_128 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1663-04-26 NYC-RNA_OM_129 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Appearance|Merritje Jans Joncker; widow of Cornelis Langevelt; asked about last will; to be recorded 1663-04-26 NYC-RNA_OM_129a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Appearance|Lijsbet Ackerman; widow of David Ackermans; questioned as to the estate of her husband 1663-04-26 NYC-RNA_OM_132 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Appointment|Claas Gangelofzen Visser and Aldert Coninck as guardians of the minor children of Arien Huijberzen; widower of Judick Robbers; who intends to marry Tijsje Willems; widow of Willem Pietersen de Groot 1663-04-26 NYC-RNA_OM_132a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1663-06-18 NYC-RNA_OM_133 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Proceeding|Estate of Lijsbet Jurriaans; settlement between widower Isaack Greveraat and guardians Tomas Lambersen and Jacques Cousseau for the settlement of the maternal inheritance on the minor children 1663-06-18 NYC-RNA_OM_133a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1663-08-18 NYC-RNA_OM_134 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Appearance|Abel Hardenbroeck and Annetje Meinders; questioned as to the settlement of the paternal estate on Annetje’s minor child 1663-08-18 NYC-RNA_OM_134a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1663-11-22 NYC-RNA_OM_135 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1663-12-20 NYC-RNA_OM_136 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Request|Arien van Laar for the estate of Jan Jansen Hagenaar to be closed and his claim on it through a transferred debt on Hagenaar’s daughter Cristijna Jans to be paid; referred to guardians 1663-12-20 NYC-RNA_OM_136a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1664-01-31 NYC-RNA_OM_138a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Proceeding|Estate of Jan Jansen Hagenaar; Arien van Laar submits claim; declined by curators Hendrick Hendrickzen Obe and Isaack Grevenraat 1664-01-31 NYC-RNA_OM_139 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1664-01-31 NYC-RNA_OM_139a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Proceeding|Estates of Margriet Samuel and Jannetje Tomas; Claas van Elslant de oude questioned regarding a debt resulting from the public aution; accounts in the hands of curator Pieter Stoutenburgh and Tomas Hall 1664-01-31 NYC-RNA_OM_140 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1664-02-15 NYC-RNA_OM_140a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1664-04-03 NYC-RNA_OM_142 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Proceeding|Estate of Gerrit Hendricksen van Harderwijck; Tijmotheus Gabrij and Jean Jelissen Kock submit claims; no funds available; guardians ordered to confer with widow 1664-04-03 NYC-RNA_OM_142a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1664-05-10 NYC-RNA_OM_142b New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Proceeding|Estate of Cornelis Hendricksen van Dort; Wernaar Wessels appointed guardian of the minor child; in addition to
Abraham Verplanck
1664-05-10 NYC-RNA_OM_142bb New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1664-07-03 NYC-RNA_OM_143 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1664-07-17 NYC-RNA_OM_143a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Proceeding|Estate of Annetje Jans; request of Age Bruijns; father; for the cost of board of the child to be reduced or to be with himself instead; denied 1664-07-17 NYC-RNA_OM_144 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1664-08-11 NYC-RNA_OM_144a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1664-10-10 NYC-RNA_OM_145 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1664-10-25 NYC-RNA_OM_145a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1664-12-08 NYC-RNA_OM_146 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1664-12-22 NYC-RNA_OM_146a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1665-01-16 NYC-RNA_OM_147 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1665-01-19 NYC-RNA_OM_147a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1665-01-26 NYC-RNA_OM_148 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1665-03-09 NYC-RNA_OM_148a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1665-03-15 NYC-RNA_OM_149 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1665-03-16 NYC-RNA_OM_149a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1665-03-17 NYC-RNA_OM_150 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1665-03-18 NYC-RNA_OM_150a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1665-04-13 NYC-RNA_OM_151 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1665-04-20 NYC-RNA_OM_151a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Authority|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters 1665-05-27 NYC-RNA_OM_152 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Unidentified document| 1666-12-10 NYC-RNA_OM_152a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Authority|Authorization of Pieter Stoutenburgh and Jan Jansen Langestraet as guardians over the minor child of Pieter Cornelissen de sweet; as his widow Brieta Oloffs intends to marry again; inventory required 1666-12-10 NYC-RNA_OM_153 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Appointment|Focke Jans and Cornelis Aertsen as guardians of the minor children of Tietske Gerritsen; as her widower Jan Jacobsen de Vries intends to marry Brieta Olofs; widow of Pieter Cornelissen de sweet; inventory required 1666-12-10 NYC-RNA_OM_154 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Agreement|Between Focke Jans and Cornelis Aertsen as guardians of the minor children of Tietske Gerritsen; with her widower Jan Jacobsen de Vries; who intends to remarry as to a settlement of the maternal inheritance 1666-12-10 NYC-RNA_OM_154a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Agreement|Between Pieter Stoutenburgh and Jan Jansen Langestraet; guardians over the minor child of Pieter Cornelissen de sweet; and his widow Brieta Oloffs as to the paternal inheritance; inventory required 1666-12-11 NYC-RNA_OM_153a New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Note|That the orphan masters provided a receipt to Thomas Fransen; widower of Elsie Jans; on account of the inheritance of Hendrick Wessels; Dirck Wessels and Jan Barents; children of Elsie Jans; with specification 1668-04-02 NYC-RNA_OM_155 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Original Records of Burgomasters & Orphan Masters (Series RNA_OM_1655-1666)
Appeal of Samuel Mahu of a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam in favor of Nicolas Booth NYSA_A1877-78_V16_pt4_0001 New Netherland Council writs of appeal (Series A1877 _ 1658-1663)
Appeal of Jacob Vis of a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam in favor of Frederick Lubbertsen 1658-07-02 NYSA_A1877-78_V16_pt4_0002 New Netherland Council writs of appeal (Series A1877 _ 1658-1663)
Appeal of William Douckles of a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam in favor of Jan Hendricks 1658-07-02 NYSA_A1877-78_V16_pt4_0003 New Netherland Council writs of appeal (Series A1877 _ 1658-1663)
Appeal of Jacob Jansen Buys of a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam in favor of Allard Anthony 1658-08-15 NYSA_A1877-78_V16_pt4_0004 New Netherland Council writs of appeal (Series A1877 _ 1658-1663)
Appeal of Anthony Claesen Moore of a judgment of the court of New Amsterdam in favor of Mathias de Vos 1658-10-09 NYSA_A1877-78_V16_pt4_0005 New Netherland Council writs of appeal (Series A1877 _ 1658-1663)
Appeal of John Artcher, alias John Coopall, of a judgment of the court at Oostdurp (Westchester) in favor of Richard Panton 1659-01-23 NYSA_A1877-78_V16_pt4_0006 New Netherland Council writs of appeal (Series A1877 _ 1658-1663)
Appeal of Richard Britnell of a judgment of the court at Heemsteede in favor of Thomas Ireland and Daniel Whitehead 1659-02-20 NYSA_A1877-78_V16_pt4_0007 New Netherland Council writs of appeal (Series A1877 _ 1658-1663)
Appeal of Allard Anthony of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Jacob van Couwenhoven 1659-02-20 NYSA_A1877-78_V16_pt4_0008 New Netherland Council writs of appeal (Series A1877 _ 1658-1663)
Appeal of Warnaer Wessels of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Jacob Barsimson 1659-02-27 NYSA_A1877-78_V16_pt4_0009 New Netherland Council writs of appeal (Series A1877 _ 1658-1663)
Appeal of Allard Anthony of a judgment of the court at New Amsterdam in favor of Anthony Claessen 1659-03-14 NYSA_A1877-78_V16_pt4_0010 New Netherland Council writs of appeal (Series A1877 _ 1658-1663)