Minutes|Case|Schout Anthonij de Mill v. Francois Misertij: demand for fine for tapping during church service: denied: fined |
1674-01-17 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_311 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Ralph Huthinson v. Jan Hendricksen van Gunst: demand for return of cotton: disputed: ordered to return |
1674-01-17 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_313 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Anthonij de Mill v. Dirck Jansen van Deventer: demand for banishment for ill treatment of Carell Quirijnsen: denied: three depositions produced as to fighting: demand dismissed |
1674-01-17 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_314 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Appointment|Commissioners to inspect the books and papers of the fortification of the fort: in the hands of Francois Rombouts |
1674-01-17 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_315 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Notice|Allard Anthonij: attorney of Carell Quirijnsen: that he appeals the judgment in the suit between schout Anthonij de Mill and Dirck Jansen van Deventer to Governor and Supreme Council |
1674-01-17 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_316 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jacob Teunissen d Kaij v. Cornelis van Borsum: complaint about threats and assault: copy granted |
1674-01-17 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_312 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Annettie Fabritius v. Jacob Fabrittius: demand for reply on previous request according to order: request for lawyer: repeated request to vacate house: default entered |
1674-01-30 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_317 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|David Defour v. Roeloff Jansen slaghter: demand for payment of debt for an ox: disputed: ordered to pay |
1674-01-30 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_318 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Abel Hardenbroeck v. Pieter Jansen Scholl: demand for payment of balance of debt according to obligation: acknowledged: ordered to pay |
1674-01-30 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_319 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jacob Teunissen Kay v. Cornelis van Borsum: default |
1674-01-30 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_320 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Report|Firewardens regarding the number of firebuckets and other equipment: with request for more |
1674-01-30 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_321 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Appearance|Jacob Smith: who is pardoned for his faults |
1674-01-30 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_322 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Claes Jansen slaghter v. Abel Hardenbroeck: default: demand for various goods according to contract |
1674-02-06 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_323 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Teunis Kray v. Allard Anthonij: default |
1674-02-06 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_324 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|On the request of Cornelius Steenwijck: copy to be delivered to Jacob Varrevanger |
1674-02-06 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_325 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Decision|To send a letter to the villages of Midwout: Breukelen and Amesfort on Long Island |
1674-02-10 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_326 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Gabriel Minvielle v Elisabeth de Potter: widow of Isaac Bedloos: demand for payment of debt according to promissory note: reply submitted: final papers to be submitted |
1674-02-13 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_327 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Anthonij de Mil v. David Wesselse: accusation of having been a witness at marriage by Jacob Fabritius: denied: proof required |
1674-02-13 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_328 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jacob Leijselaer v. Gabriel Minvielle: demand for payment of debt for freight of tobacco: disputed: proof required |
1674-02-13 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_329 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Anthonij de Mill v. Fredrick Arentzen: default: complaint about refusal to obey court order |
1674-02-13 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_330 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Willemtje van Leijden v. Alberdt Aeriesen: default: demand for monetary compensation for insult: ordered to pay |
1674-02-13 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_331 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Claes Jansen v. Abel Hardenbroeck: demand for delivery of specified goods according to contract: acknowledged: delay requested: ordered to fulfill contract |
1674-02-13 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_332 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Hendrik Gillisen v. Abel Hardenbroeck: demand for delivery of goods according to contract: delay requested: ordered to deliver |
1674-02-13 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_333 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jacob Leijselaer v. Pieter van Essam: default |
1674-02-13 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_334 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Gabriel Minvielle v. Mrs. Bedloo: deposition submitted: judgment requested |
1674-02-20 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_335 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jacob Hendrickzen Varrevanger: attorney of Poulus Leendersen: v. Cornelis Steenwijck: demand for transfer of alleyway: disputed: referred to arbitrators |
1674-02-20 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_336 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|James Matthws v. Daniel Teurneur: demand for payment of debt according to account: arrest invalid |
1674-02-20 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_337 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|James Walwell v. Volckert Dircksen: proof required |
1674-02-20 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_338 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Thomas Lewis v. Abraham Lammersen Mol: Jan Pietersen and Evert Evertsen: demand for repair of sloop: copy granted |
1674-02-20 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_339 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Isaack Kip to be appointed to the office of gauger of weights and measures: granted |
1674-02-20 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_340 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order|To Jacques Corteljou: sworn surveyor: to measure the alleyway disputed by Jacob Varrevanger and Cornelis Steenwijck |
1674-02-20 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_341 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Annetje Cornelis: wife of Jacobus Fabritius: for an order to her husband to give up the key to the house: with many complaints |
1674-02-24 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_342 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|On the request of Annetje Cornelis: wife of Jacobus Fabritius: for an order to her husband to give up the key to the house: granted |
1674-02-24 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_343 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Gabriel Minvielle v. Elisabeth de Potter: widow of Isaack Bedloo: demand for payment of debt according to bill of exchange: judgment for plaintiff |
1674-02-24 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_344 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Mary Matthws: Pieter Nijs: Isaack Foreest: Anna Lijsbet: Dirck van Cleef: Egbert Myndersen: Ariaen Cornelisen: Otte Gerritz: Fredrick Gysbertsen: Susanna Garland: and Poulus Turck: asked about paying the excise on beer and wine |
1674-02-26 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_346 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Appearance|Cornelis Steenwijck and Cornelis van Ruijven: delegates of the Governor to discuss the means of furnishing funds to fortify the city: proposal for loan approved |
1674-02-26 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_348 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Allard Anthonij: attorney of Annetje Fabritius: v. Jacobus Fabritius: written reply submitted: copy ordered |
1674-02-27 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_350 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Thomas Lewis v. Abraham Lammertsen Mol: Jan Jansen: and Evert Evertsen: demand repeated: written reply: proof required |
1674-02-27 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_351 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|James Matthws v. Hendrick Volckersen: demand for payment of debt according to account: acknowledged: ordered to pay |
1674-02-27 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_352 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Decision|To replicate the arguments used in the judgment suit between fiscael Knijf and Dirck smith: which will be heard in appeal by Governor and Council |
1674-02-27 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_353 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|On the request of Jacob Varrevanger for an order to the arbitrators in his suit with Cornelis Steenwijck to conduct an inspection: report awaited |
1674-02-27 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_354 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Fire wardens for more fire ladders and fire hooks to be made |
1674-02-27 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_355 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|On the request of the fire wardens for more fire ladders and fire hooks to be made: authorization to have these made at the expense of the city |
1674-02-27 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_356 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Jacob Teunissen v. Cornelis van Borsum: reply submitted: copy granted |
1674-03-06 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_357 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Abel Hardenbroeck v. Allard Anthonij: account submitted: examination granted |
1674-03-06 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_358 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Anthonij de Mill v. Dirck smith: demand for fine for fighting with De Vries: proof required |
1674-03-06 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_359 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Ariaen van Laer v. Hendrick Gillissen: demand for delivery of shoes: acknowledged: ordered to deliver |
1674-03-06 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_360 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|On the request of the heirs of the estate of Balthazar de Haert for permission to pursue creditors: consent of curators required |
1674-03-06 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_361 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Barentje Jans v. Thomas Taijlor: default: demand for payment of debt in wheat for freight: ordered to pay |
1674-03-06 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_362 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Meeting|City government with skippers of yachts |
1674-03-10 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_363 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
List|Jacob Teunisen Kaij v. Cornelis van Borsum: depositions submitted: final papers to be delivered |
1674-03-13 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_365 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Allard Anthonij: attorney of Gabriel Minvielle: v. Pieter Hessels: demand for payment of debt according to account: acknowledged: ordered to pay |
1674-03-13 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_366 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Thomas Lewis v. Abraham Mol: Jan Pietersen and Evert Pels: demand to construct yacht according to agreement: order to construct |
1674-03-13 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_367 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Report|Presentation of the results of the meeting of the city government with skippers of yachts to the Governor: regulations agreed |
1674-03-15 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_364 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|William Thorne and Elisabeth Kay: arrested on suspicion of theft of grain and peas |
1674-04-07 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_368 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Jacob Leijselaer v. Pieter Pietersen: demand for payment of debt in tobacco for beer: counter-claim: previous judgment to be fulfilled first |
1674-04-10 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_371 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jacobus de Haert v. Abel Hardenbroeck: demand for payment of debt for rum: disputed: account book inspected: ordered to pay |
1674-04-10 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_372 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Claes Jansen backer v. Arent Isaacksen: demand for occupation of house after cancellation of lease: denied: lease to be continued |
1674-04-10 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_373 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Philip Waldman v. Jan Smedes: default |
1674-04-10 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_374 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Abraham Kermer v. Jan Raeij: parties agreed |
1674-04-10 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_375 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|On the petition of the skippers of yachts to the city government for overseers of pooled freight proceeds: authorization to appoint two overseers |
1674-04-10 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_377 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Petition|Skippers of yachts to the city government for overseers of pooled freight proceeds |
1674-04-18 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_376 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Jacob Leijselaer v. Allard Anthonij: attorney of Pieter Pietersen: demand for deduction on pronounced sentence according to account: counter-claim for full payment: previous judgment upheld |
1674-04-24 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_378 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Anthonij de Milt v. Dirck Siecken: demand for fine for playing nine pins on the sabbath: confessed: fined |
1674-04-24 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_379 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Baij Coesvelt v. Jacobus Fabritius: default |
1674-04-24 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_380 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|On the request of Ambrosius de carman for an appointment as cartmen: to be considered when place is available |
1674-04-24 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_381 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|On the request of Margriet Gillisen Lanwaer to resume possession of a lot: granted |
1674-04-24 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_382 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Jan Hendrickzen van Gunst v. Henrij Taijlor: arrest on monies in the hands of John Schackerly declared valid |
1674-05-01 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_383 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Pieter Pangborne v. Abel Hardenbroeck: referred to arbitrators |
1674-05-01 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_384 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Baij Croesvelt v. Jacobus Fabritius: demand for payment of debt according to account: acknowledged: ordered to pay |
1674-05-01 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_385 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Anthonij de Mill v. Anthonij Janssen Sale: demand in writing about lodging a Quaker: disputed: proof required |
1674-05-01 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_386 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Stephenus van Cortland: also on behalf of the skippers: to be informed as to the distribution of trips among the skippers: informed |
1674-05-01 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_387 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Thomas Gibbs v. John Archer: referred to arbitrators |
1674-05-22 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_388 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Allard Anthony: attorney of Jan Philipsen Ringo: v. Marten Cregier senior: witness deposition exhibited: insufficient: demand dismissed |
1674-05-22 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_389 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Anthony de Mill v. Anthonij Janse Sallee: demand for fine for lodging Edward Bambri: denied: proof required: postponed |
1674-05-22 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_390 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Pieter Groenendijck v. Justus Witfield: complaint about assault: denied: copy granted |
1674-05-22 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_391 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Anthony de Mill v. Justus Whitfield: demand for fine for assault on Pieter Groenendijck: denied: copy granted |
1674-05-22 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_392 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Mettie Wessels v. Anthonij de Mill: complaint about use of force to enter and demand for return of two gutters taken away: ownership disputed: proof required |
1674-05-22 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_393 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Allard Anthonij: attorney of Annettie Cornelis: v. Jacobus Fabritius: final papers submitted: sentencing requested |
1674-05-22 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_394 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Jan Poppen v. Balthazaer Stuijvesand: demand for account of candles received from Cornelis Steenwijck to sell on Curacao: disputed: claim dismissed |
1674-05-24 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_395 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Balthazaer Stuijvesand v. Dirck Janssen van Deventer: demand for compensation for drawing up unfulfilled contract: excuse offered: ordered to pay |
1674-05-29 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_397 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Thomas Gibbs v. John Archer: report of arbitrators: accounts settled: other expenses referred back to court: parties ordered to observe contract |
1674-05-29 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_398 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jacob Teunissen Keij v. Cornelis van Borsum: papers submitted: order to defendant to deliver papers |
1674-05-29 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_399 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jan Stevense v. Thomas Taijlor: default: demand for payment of debt for rent: copy ordered |
1674-05-29 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_400 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Anthony de Mill v. Justus Witfield: demand for fine for assault on Pieter Groenendijck: fined |
1674-05-29 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_401 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jannettie Cregier v. Jan Smedes: demand for payment of debt in beavers according to obligation: none available: ordered to pay |
1674-05-29 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_402 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Mathijs de Haert v. William Thorne: default: demand for payment of debt in Boston money for a hat: copy ordered |
1674-05-29 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_403 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Anthonij de Mill v. Dirck Wessels: default |
1674-05-29 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_404 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Appointment|Replacement assessors for the alleyway disputed by Jacob Varrevanger and Cornelis Steenwijck |
1674-06-02 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_405 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
List|Pooled freight proceeds of yacht skippers: communication with Governor General required |
1674-06-04 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_406 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Thomas Gibbs v. John Archerd: referred to arbitrators again |
1674-06-05 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_407 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Aegidius Luijck v. John Coolij smit: demand for payment of debt according to balance of accounts: acknowledged: ordered to pay |
1674-06-05 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_408 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Frederick Lubbertsen v. Hans Kierstede: demand for compensation for inclusion of yearly salary in purchase of house: disputed: demand dismissed |
1674-06-05 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_409 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Frederik Gijsbertse v. Francois Chartier: demand for payment of transferred debt: acknowledged: ordered to pay |
1674-06-05 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_410 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Mathijs de Haert v. William Thorne: default: demand for payment of debt in Boston money for purchase of hat: ordered to pay |
1674-06-05 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_411 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Proceeding|Alleyway disputed by Jacob Varrevanger and Cornelis Steenwijck: including decision of arbitrators of 2 June 1674 |
1674-06-05 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_412 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|On the request of Jan Coolij with regard to the estate of Francois Lovelace: referred to curators |
1674-06-05 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_413 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Annettie Cornelisen v. Jacobus Fabritius: parties ordered not to molest each other: arrangement for childrens patrimonium: remainder of estate undivided |
1674-06-08 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_414 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Jacob Varrevanger: attorney of Poulus Leendersen van der Grift: v. Cornelis Steenwijck: demand for transfer of alleyway: judgment for plaintiff |
1674-06-09 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_415 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jacob Teunissen de Kaij v. Cornelis van Borsum: order to De Kaij that costs of extraordinary court are due if they do not agree with arbitrators |
1674-06-09 |
NYC-RNA_V6_bk4_416 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V6_1670-1674) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |