Minutes|Court|Marck Dal v. John Otten: default: ordered to appear |
1666-12-11 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_269 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Unidentified document|Unidentified document |
1666-12-18 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_271 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Arent Isaacqsen v. Jacob Vis: demand for return of a mirror used as surety: disputed: ordered to return |
1666-12-18 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_273 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Balthazar d Haert v. Huijgh Barentsen: demand for payment of debt in sewant and beavers according to obligation: referred to jury: verdict for plaintiff: ordered to pay with deduction: judgment accordingly |
1666-12-18 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_272 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Allard Antonij: attorney of Hendrick Lammerts Mol: v. Willem Jansen schoenmaker: default: demand for payment of balance of debt in sewant for a tub: ordered to appear/ |
1666-12-28 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_274 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Rabba Boti v. Francis Constable: permission to plaintiff to land goods here and store them: pending inspection |
1667-01-08 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_275 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
List|Thomas Fleet v. John Garlant: surety ordered |
1667-01-08 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_276 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Elias Watts v. Marten Hoffman: demand for payment of debt in winter wheat: acknowledged: ordered to pay |
1667-01-09 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_277 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order|To Herrij Breser to deliver certain items of George Jones in his custody to William Broune |
1667-01-15 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_278 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Thomas Walton v. Thomas Young: default: order to plaintiff to provide particulars |
1667-01-15 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_279 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Allard Anthonij v. Nathaniel Pietersen: complaint about drawing knife according to declaration: forgiveness and surety ordered |
1667-01-29 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_280 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Francis Constable v. John Peter: Thomas Collier and John Cock: complaints of death threats and disobedience as crew on ship: crew to be moved from ship: wages to be paid |
1667-01-29 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_281 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jan Smedes v. Marten Kregier: demand for balance of debt for delivered wheat: disputed: final part of delivery ordered |
1667-01-29 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_282 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Thomas Fleet v. John Garland: complaint about non-payment: Garland ordered to pay |
1667-01-29 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_283 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order |To sell chest of Pietertie Jansen in To pay outstanding rent to Cornelis Steenwijck |
1667-02-05 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_284 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Thomas Walton v. Thomas Younge: default: defendant ordered to appear |
1667-02-05 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_285 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Sijmon Jansen Romeijn: attorney of Egbert Benningh: son-in-law of Pietertie Jansen: for an order to the curators of the estate of Pieterie Jansen to deliver the goods of Benningh to him prior to public auction of the remainder of the estate |
1667-02-05 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_286 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Declaration|Secretary Nicolaes Bayard as to the delivery to Sijmon Jansen Romeijn of goods belonging to Egbert Buijningh from the estate of Pietertie Jansen |
1667-03-05 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_288 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Johannes de Wit v. Fredrick Gijsbers van den Bergh: demand for payment of transferred debt in sewant: acknowledged: counter-claim: disputed: proof required |
1667-03-05 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_289 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Pieter Stoutenburgh and Jan Vinge: guardians of the children of Rachel van Thienhoven: v. Mettie Wessels: referred to arbitrators |
1667-03-05 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_290 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Abram Carpijn v. Cornelis Pot: demand for payment of debt in sewant: acknowledged: delay requested: ordered to pay |
1667-03-05 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_291 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jan Otten v. Juriaen kuijper: ordered to settle |
1667-03-05 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_292 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order |On the request and complaint of Lodewijck Post: to Arent Juriaens Lantsman: to provide surety for good behavior toward his wife: who is allowed to stay with her father |
1667-03-05 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_293 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order |On the request of Johannes de Witt and Lodewijck Post: curators of the estate of Pietertie Jansen: to proceed with the sale of goods: but delay disposition of proceeds until husband and creditors are informed |
1667-03-08 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_287 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Johannes de Wit v. Maria van Hoboocken: default |
1667-03-26 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_294 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Isaacq Greveraet v. Marij Hobooken: demand for payment of balance of debt in sewant for rent and damage: partly acknowledged: ordered to pay rent: damage claim referred to arbitrators: arrest valid |
1667-03-26 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_295 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Davit Wessels v Hendrick spanjaert: demand for payment of debt in sewant: acknowledged: but transferred: assignment ordered |
1667-03-26 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_296 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Antonij v. Egbert Meijndersen: demand for fine for buying stolen goods from a soldier: fined |
1667-03-26 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_297 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Antonij v. Abram Pieters Carpijn: complaint about selling brandy to a Native American: denied: witnesses required |
1667-03-26 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_298 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Silvester Salisburij: curator of the estate of George Joanes: v. Herrij Breser: demand for restitution of various goods belonging to the estate: disputed: order to deliver goods |
1667-04-02 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_299 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Balthazar de Haert v. Huijgh Barentsen de Kleijn: defendant unable to provide surety: postponement refused: order to sheriff to inventory goods in preparation for executory sale: released from confinement |
1667-04-02 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_300 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order |To the bakers to provide information as to the supply of grain |
1667-04-09 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_301 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Minutes were kept by Allard Antonij |
1667-04-09 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_302 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Authority|Four bakers to inspect the supply of grain |
1667-04-16 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_303 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Surveyors of building lines and fences beyond the Fresh Water v. Jan Smedes: demand for fine according to account: acknowledged: fined |
1667-04-16 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_304 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|Request of Huijgh Barentsen de Kleijn for permission to tap free of excise: granted |
1667-04-16 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_305 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Appointment|Surveyors of building lines and fences as arbitrators in the issue between Johannes Megapolensis: Samuel Driesius: and Cornelis van Ruijven: and Cornelis Aertsen: Huijgh Barentsen: and Cornelis Jacobsen |
1667-04-16 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_306 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Matthijas Nicolls v. Antonij de Milt: ordered to take out copy and reply |
1667-04-16 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_307 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Johannes de Wit for execution of the judgment of 26 March 1667 against Marij van Hoboocken: granted |
1667-05-07 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_308 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Joris Stevens v. Stoffel van Laer: demand for payment of debt in sewant: acknowledged: ordered to pay |
1667-05-07 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_310 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Antonij v. Abram Carpijn: demand for fine for selling brandy to a Native American: denied: declaration of Native American required |
1667-05-07 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_311 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Antonij d Milt v. Jacob Teunissen Quicq: demand for payment of debt in sewant: acknowledged: delay requested: ordered to pay |
1667-05-07 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_309 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Examination|Account of costs of suit of Andries Jochems: reduced |
1667-06-08 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_312 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Gillis Pietersen v. Juriaen Blanck: dispute over the ownership of a lot in the parelstraet: transport of 1647 disputed: referred to jury: judgment for plaintiff |
1667-06-08 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_313 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Appearance|Cartmen: complaining of Stoffel van Laer who uses other carts: explanation offered: ample ordinance to be drawn up |
1667-06-11 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_314 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Rabba Cootij v. Balthazar de Haert: appearing for Reijnier van der Coele: demand for payment of balance of debt in hard bread and wheat meal for delivered molasses: disputed: ordered to pay |
1667-06-11 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_315 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Willem Beeckman v. Wolfert Webber: complaint of removing fence and encroachment on land: disputed: referred to jury: judgment for plaintiff |
1667-06-11 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_316 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Francois Rombouts v. Jan Jansen Langestraet: demand for payment of debt in sewant according to account: acknowledged: ordered to pay |
1667-06-11 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_317 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Ordinance|Ordinance for the cartmen |
1667-06-11 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_318 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Willem Lubbersen v. Timoteus Gabrie: default |
1667-06-11 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_319 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Affidavit|Request of Arent Juriaens Lantsman to live again with his wife: decision to be made when wife appears in court and requests the same |
1667-06-18 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_320 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Balthazar d Haert v. George Dennis: suit not pending at Court of Assizes: question as to which court referred to jury: plaintiff objects: non-suit entered |
1667-06-18 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_321 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Sheriff Allard Antonij v. Timotij Gabrie: attorney of Daniel Gabrie: demand for payment of debt in beavers according to decision of arbitrators: delay requested: ordered to pay |
1667-06-18 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_322 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order |On the complaint of Governor Nicolls about the contributions to the salary of ministers: to all those in arrears to pay to collector Jacques Cossaert |
1667-06-18 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_324 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Antonij d Milt v. Abram Carpijn: demand for payment of debt in sewant: unable to pay: ill: delay requested: ordered to reply |
1667-06-18 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_323 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Setting the rate for taxes levied on landing goods: with specification |
1667-07-02 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_326 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Balthazar de Haert v. Huijgh Barentsen: referred to arbitrators |
1667-07-02 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_327 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|John Garlant v. Raeff Warner: copy granted: reply ordered |
1667-07-02 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_328 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Balthazar d Haert: attorney of Daniel de Haert: v. Huijgh Barentsen: demand for payment of debt in sewant or beavers according to obligation: copy granted |
1667-07-02 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_325 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|John Sharp: attorney of Silvester Salisburij: v. Herrij Breser: order to Breser to appear |
1667-07-03 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_330 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Order |To sheriff Allard Antonij to produce a bill of costs claimed from Timotheus Gabrie in his suit with Jan Jacobsen Verijn |
1667-07-09 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_329 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Unidentified document|Unidentified document |
1667-07-09 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_332 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Complaint|Lourens Silla about the assault by Tomas Tailler |
1667-07-16 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_333 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Hendrick spanjaerts v. Rijntie Pieters: referred to arbitrators |
1667-07-16 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_334 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Gelijn Verplanck v. Andries Herpertsen: demand for payment of debt: arrest on goods valid: goods to be appraised |
1667-07-16 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_335 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Saertie Kierstede v. Rijntie Pieters: demand for payment of debt for delivered earthenware: disputed: oath ordered |
1667-07-16 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_336 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Abel Hardenbroeck v. Engel Pieters: demand for payment of debt in sewant for slippers: disputed: ordered to pay |
1667-07-16 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_337 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jacob van Couwenhoven v. Warnaer Wessels: copy granted: reply ordered |
1667-07-16 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_338 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Unidentified document|Unidentified document |
1667-07-30 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk2_344 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Taking of the oath by Johannes de Peijster as alderman |
1667-07-30 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_345 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request|Francoijs Rombouts and Gelijn Verplanck for arrested goods of Francis Young to be subtracted from outstanding debt: appraisal by arbitrators required: arrest valid |
1667-07-30 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_346 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Unknown parties: demand for payment of debt: acknowledged: but delay claimed: surety ordered |
1667-07-30 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_347 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Authority|Teunis Craij as public measurer of apples and onions |
1667-07-30 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_348 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|John Sharp v. Pieter Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven: default |
1667-08-06 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_349 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Johannes d Wit v. Allard Anthonij: demand for payment of debt resulting from execution of judgment on Marij Hoboocken: ordered to pay |
1667-08-06 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_350 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|John Wolsencraft v. John Garland: complaint about assault: postponed |
1667-08-13 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_351 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|John Wolsencraft v. John Garland: complaint of assault: referred to jury: defendant ordered to pay fine and compensation |
1667-08-13 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_352 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Sheriff John Manning v. William Shackerly: complaint about adultery: referred to jury: judgment: false accusation |
1667-08-13 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_353 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Sijmon Jans Romeijn for an order to the curators of the estate of Pietertie Jans to deliver the goods of Egbert Benningh: granted |
1667-09-11 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_354 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|John Wolsencraft v. John Garland: demand for payment of debt: witness declaration: parties referred to Francois Rombouts |
1667-09-11 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_355 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Captain Morison v. Cornelis Pluvier: complaint about delivery of unmerchantable bread: fined and forbidden to bake |
1667-09-24 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_356 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jacob Couwenhoven v. Johannes de Witt: default: demand for payment of debt in sewant: copy granted: deposit ordered |
1667-09-24 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_357 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jan Smedes v. Pieter Jansen steenhaelder: demand for reparation of honor after accusation of theft: denied: proof required |
1667-10-09 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_358 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Note|Issuing of a warrant for the execution of the judgment against Abram Carpijn of 11 September 1667 in his suit with Antonij de Milt |
1667-10-15 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_359 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Abel Hardenbroeck v. Pieter Stoutenburgh and Johannes Verveelen: demand for balance of payment of transferred debt in sewant: disputed: ordered to pay |
1667-10-21 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_360 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Note|Sending of a letter to Jeremias van Rensselaer: regarding the arrest of a yacht in New York |
1667-10-22 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_361 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Dirck van Cleeff v. Allard Anthonij: default |
1667-10-29 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_362 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Warnaer Wessels v. Allard Antonij: demand for payment of debt: referred to arbitrators |
1667-10-29 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_363 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Declaration|Seletie Jochemsen and Pieter Fredricx at the request of Lijsbeth Tijssen as to the threat of George Canidal to set fire to her house |
1667-10-29 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_364 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Request |Hendrick Coustrie for arrest on goods of Robert Storie in the hands of Jonas Bartelsen to be declared valid: granted |
1667-11-19 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_365 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Hanna Ackleton and Elisabeth Juwel: asked about their licence to settle: disputed: ordered to depart |
1667-11-19 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_366 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jan Vinge and Pieter Stoutenburgh v. the wife of Pieter Lourensen: default |
1667-11-19 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_367 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Thomas Tijaler v. Frigift Throgmorten: default |
1667-12-03 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_368 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|Johannes de Witt v. Jacob van Couwenhoven: demand for payment of debt in sewant according to account: counter-claim: jury verdict: judgment for defendant |
1667-12-03 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_369 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Francis Cherrij v. Abel Hardenbroeck: demand for payment of debt for work done: disputed: ordered to pay |
1667-12-03 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_370 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Jacob van Couwenhoven v. Warnaer Wessels: demand for payment of debt according to balance of obligation: disputed ordered to pay |
1667-12-03 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_371 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Allard Anthonij v. John Cockril: default |
1667-12-17 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_372 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Mark Dal v. Egbert Meijndersen: order to defendant to pay damages for taking away canoe |
1668-01-14 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_373 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Court|To allow late sheriff Allard Anthonij specified charges in his suit against Timotij Gabrie |
1668-01-14 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_374 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |
Minutes|Case|Patrick Haijes v. Thomas Tailer: default |
1668-01-14 |
NYC-RNA_V5_bk3_375 |
New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V5_1665-1670) |
Municipal Archives, City of New York |