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Displaying 5501 - 5600 of 16349 Entries
16349 Total Entries
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Title Date Document ID Document Finding Aid or Collection Holding Institution
Invoice of munitions of war sent to New Netherland and bill of lading 1661-01-12 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0001 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
List of letters and papers sent to New Netherland in the ship Golden Arent 1661-01-12 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0002 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant 1661-01-13 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0003 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Proposals made by the Mohawk chiefs at Fort Orange and the answer thereto 1661-01-22 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0008 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant 1661-01-24 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0009 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Discharge of a bond entered into in 1659 by the owners of the ship Gilded Mill 1661-01-24 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0010 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the vice-director and magistrates to director Stuyvesant 1661-01-29 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0011 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Contract of Thomas Chambers, Cornelis Barentsen Slecht, and other inhabitants of Esopus with the rev. Hermanus Bloem, minister 1661-03-04 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0012 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Articles and conditions granted to Dirck Wolff & Co., empowering them to erect salt pans in New Netherland 1661-03-31 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0015 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Nomination and appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange for the ensuing year 1661-04-05 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0013 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant 1661-04-11 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0014 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to Stuyvesant 1661-04-15 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0016 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Johannes Provoost to director Stuyvesant 1661-04-15 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0017 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the director and council to the vice-director at Curaçao 1661-04-16 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0018 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from col. Francis Moryson to director Stuyvesant 1661-04-20 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0019 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Commission of Evert Pietersen to be comforter of the sick, schoolmaster and precentor at New Amsterdam 1661-05-02 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0021 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Invoice of ammunition 1661-05-05 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0022 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant 1661-05-09 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0020 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the magistrates to director Stuyvesant 1661-05-12 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0023 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Roelof Swartwout 1661-06-14 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0027 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Muster roll of the garrison at the Esopus, now called Wiltwyck 1661-06-15 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0028 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the director and council to ------- in answer to a remonstrance from Beverwyck (Albany) 1661-06-24 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0029 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam 1661-07-21 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0030 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Report of the state of feeling among the Cattskill and Esopus Indians 1661-08-27 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0031 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam 1661-09-24 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0032 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant 1661-10-11 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0033 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam 1661-10-17 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0034 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Proceedings in court regarding the estate of Anna van Beyeren 1661-10-29 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0047 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Invoice of goods sent to New Netherland in the ship The Church of Purmerland 1661-11-07 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0037b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant 1661-11-09 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0036 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Proposals of the commissioners at the Delaware and resolutions of the chamber at Amsterdam 1661-11-09 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0037a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Account of the excise and list of those who paid it in Wiltwyck 1661-11-15 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0041a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Certificate that the magistrates of Fort Orange has advised vice-director La Montagne to raise the rate of excise there 1661-11-17 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0038 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the council to the directors at Amsterdam 1661-11-18 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0039 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant 1661-11-19 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0040 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Ordinance for palisading the village of Wiltwyck and names of persons who supplied wheat 1661-11-25 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0041b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Names of persons who have subscribed to the support of the rev. Hermanus Blom 1661-11-25 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0041c New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from John Lawrensen to director Stuyvesant 1662-01-00 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0054 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the magistrates to director Stuyvesant 1662-01-12 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0042 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the court of Holland to the directors at Amsterdam 1662-01-13 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0044 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the orphan masters of the Hague to the director and council in New Netherland 1662-01-13 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0045 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Petition of Cornelis van Delvendeep to the directors at Amsterdam 1662-01-19 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0046 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant 1662-01-27 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0043 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Invoice of stationery and law books send to New Netherland 1662-01-27 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0049 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Bill of lading of stationery and law books sent to New Netherland 1662-01-27 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0050 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the directors at Amsterdam to Stuyvesant 1662-01-28 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0051 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Invoice of goods sent to New Netherland 1662-01-28 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0052 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Bill of lading 1662-01-28 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0053 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Nomination of magistrates for Rustdorp (Jamaica), L. I. 1662-01-30 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0055 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant 1662-02-04 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0056 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the magistrates to director Stuyvesant 1662-02-21 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0057 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant 1662-04-08 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0058 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Affidavits in the case of the homicide of Seger Cornelissen by Andries Herbertsen and citation of Herbertsen to appear in court 1662-06-00 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0061 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam 1662-06-06 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0059 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from vice-director La Montagne and magistrates to director Stuyvesant 1662-06-30 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0060 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Order to -------- to pay a sum of 2,000 guilders due by him to the company 1662-07-01 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0062 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Order to Jan Gerritsen van Marcken not to pay any part of his rent except on an order from the director and council 1662-07-01 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0063 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam 1662-07-15 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0064 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Approbation of Timotheus Gabry and Jan Jansen Veryn of an award made by referees in their case 1662-07-31 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0065 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Roelof Swartwout to director Stuyvesant 1662-08-16 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0066 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant 1662-08-18 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0071 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Revenue and expenditure of the village of Wiltwyck 1662-09-00 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0068 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Return of the newly laid out lots in Wiltwyck 1662-09-00 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0069 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant 1662-09-01 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0072 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant 1662-09-02 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0073 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Roelof Swartwout to director Stuyvesant 1662-09-05 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0067 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam 1662-09-05 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0074a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam 1662-09-15 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0074b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant 1662-10-14 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0076 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the magistrates to director Stuyvesant 1662-11-00 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0078 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant 1662-11-04 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0077 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Proceedings of the court at Fort Orange in the case of Andries Herbertsen 1662-11-11 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0079 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the directors to Stuyvesant 1662-12-06 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0080 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Invoice of munitions of war, etc., sent to New Netherland 1662-12-07 NYSA_A1810-78_V14_0081 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Petition of Tobias Feecxs for indemnity for his services against the Indians 1663-00-00 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0065 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Journal of the Esopus war by captain Martin Cregier 1663-00-00 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0085 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from director and council to the directors at Amsterdam 1663-01-08 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0001 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Thomas Chambers and other officers of militia to director Stuyvesant 1663-01-15 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0002 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the magistrates to director Stuyvesant 1663-01-24 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0003 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from militia officers of Wiltwyck 1663-02-03 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0004 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Nomination and appointment of magistrates for Wiltwyck 1663-03-00 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0005 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the States-General to the director and council of New Netherland 1663-03-07 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0006 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Invoices and bill of lading 1663-03-24 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0008 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant 1663-03-26 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0007 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant 1663-03-31 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0011b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Nomination and appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange 1663-04-05 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0032 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant 1663-04-16 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0012 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from States-General to the director and council 1663-04-21 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0013 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Invoice for goods shipped to New Amstel 1663-05-05 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0015 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant 1663-05-07 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0014 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Stuyvesant to vice-director La Montagne 1663-05-09 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0016 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam 1663-05-14 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0017 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant 1663-05-19 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0018 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
List of the soldiers and settlers who were killed, wounded, or taken prisoner by the Indians at Wiltwyck 1663-06-07 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0019 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam 1663-06-09 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0020a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the magistrates to director Stuyvesant 1663-06-10 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0021 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Instructions for the magistrates and military officers of Wiltwyck 1663-06-14 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0022 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Beverwyck and Renselaerswyck 1663-06-15 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0023 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the magistrates to director Stuyvesant 1663-06-16 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0024 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from director Stuyvesant to vice-director La Montagne 1663-06-19 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0025 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)