Letter from gov. Colve to gov. Levereth |
1673-11-27 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0168b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Appointment of magistrates for the Whorekill |
1673-11-28 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0168c |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Depositions of William Smith, George Tibbet and James Pinnet proving the threats uttered by Francis Beado |
1673-11-28 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0290 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Register of Dutch patents and deeds from 29 November 1673 to 3 November 1674 |
1673-11-29 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Patent of gov. Colve to John Ogden, Jaspar Crane, Jacob Melyn, Samuel Hopkins, John Ward, Abraham Pierson, senior, and Stephen Freeman |
1673-11-29 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_01 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order on a petition of Lewis Morris permitting him to bring to New Orange property belonging to Richard Morris's child |
1673-11-30 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0169 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order confiscating the four New England ships brought in by capt. Ewoutsen |
1673-11-30 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0170 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Deposition of William Osborn of Hempstead as to the proceedings and conversations of Francis Beado |
1673-11-30 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0291 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order referring a dispute between Jan Jansen Veryn and the town of New Utrecht to commissioners |
1673-12-05 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0171 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Sentence pronounced on Francis Beado |
1673-12-08 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0172 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Proclamation ordering all strangers to depart the province and forbidding all correspondence with New England |
1673-12-12 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0173 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Letter from gov. Colve to the gov. and council of Massachusetts |
1673-12-13 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0175b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order to the magistrates of Seatalcot to allow the wife of Daniel Lane half of his estate |
1673-12-14 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0176 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Commission of William Knyff to be fiscal of New Netherland |
1673-12-15 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0177 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Various orders in view of a threatened attack from New England |
1673-12-19 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0178 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Names of the militia officers of New Orange and their oath |
1673-12-19 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0179 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Letter from gov. Colve to William Lawrence |
1673-12-21 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0180b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Orders to administer oath of allegiance to Staten Island and admitting Allard Anthony to be notary public and attorney |
1673-12-21 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0181a |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order forbidding the export of provisions and other articles |
1673-12-22 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0181b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Commission of Cornelis Steenwyck to be captain, N. Bayard lieutenant, and Gabriel Minviele ensign of the burgher corps of New Orange |
1673-12-22 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0182 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Letter from gov. Colve to the schout and magistrates of Bergen |
1673-12-22 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0183 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Council minute that all persons are bound to contribute to the support of the precentor and schoolmaster |
1673-12-24 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0184 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Reference of a case to schout William Laurence and Richard Cornwel for examination |
1673-12-24 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0294 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order furloughing one-third of each of the militia companies that came to New Orange |
1673-12-26 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0185 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Complaint of ensign Voz against sergt. Coenraet Janse, with the trial and sentence of the latter |
1673-12-26 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0293 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Letter from gov. Colve to the schout and magistrates of Harlem and Fordham |
1673-12-27 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0186 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order for the preservation and security of New Orange |
1673-12-27 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0187 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Oath of allegiance subscribed at Oysterbay, with names of the signers |
1673–09-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0277e |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Part of the rough draft of the journal of the commissioners' visit to the east end of Long Island |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0271 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Accounts against Peter Stoutenburgh and others |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0272 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Petition of Jan Jansen Veryn for a letter of protection during his attendance on the gov. and council |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0389 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Petition of William Hallet |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0390 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Complaint of the fiscal against James ———, sent from Flushing as a public disturber |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0391 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Complaint against Peter Paulusen for assaulting Jacob Wolphertsen and others |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0392 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Answer of Anthony de Milt to the complaint of fiscal Knyff |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0393 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Petition of Peter Stoutenburgh for a piece of land to be used as a kitchen garden |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0394 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Petition of Jacob Hendrickse Varvanger, attorney of Paulus Leendertse vander Grift, that Jacques Cortillyou appear before referees |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0395 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Petition of Frederick Philips complaining that the court at Willemstadt had taxed his father-in-law Adolf Hardenbroeck |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0396 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Petition of Isaac Melyn to be released from imprisonment |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0397 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Petition of Cornelis Steenwyck for a survey of his lot |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0398 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Petition of Jan Theunissen, Jan Gerritsen and Anthony Theunissen requesting a grant to land on Staten Island |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0399 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Petition of C. V. Ruyven requesting the appointment of commissioners to examine his accounts |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0400 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
List of articles presented by capt. Knyff to the Lutheran church |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0424b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Book of removed houses and moneys contributed for strengthening the fortifications of New Orange |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0425 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Patent of Gerrit Janse Roos for a lot in New Orange |
1674-00-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_23 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Commission of Jacobus van de Water to be town major of New Orange |
1674-01-01 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0188a |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Commission of Francis de Bruyn to be auctioneer for the five Dutch towns on Long Island |
1674-01-01 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0188b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Letter from gov. Colve to the magistrates of Schenectady |
1674-01-01 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0189a |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Commission of Martin Cregier, jr. to settle the estate of Thomas de Laval at Willemstadt |
1674-01-01 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0189b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order to schout Ogden to send some pieces of ordnance to New Orange |
1674-01-02 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0190a |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
List of creditors of the fortifications of New Orange |
1674-01-02 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0297 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Instructions for the officers of militia at the Esopus |
1674-01-03 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0190b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Minutes of court at Willemstadt (Albany), in a suit brought by Hendrick Roosenboom, city grave digger |
1674-01-04 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0296 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Commission of Martin Vonck to be captain of the Hope |
1674-01-10 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0191a |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Instructions for captain Vonck |
1674-01-10 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0191b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Oath of office of Allard Anthony as notary public and attorney |
1674-01-11 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0192 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Instructions for town major Van de Water |
1674-01-12 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0193 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Proclamation sent to the South river on an invasion of those parts from Maryland |
1674-01-14 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0194 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Instructions for the schout, burgomasters and schepens of the city of New Orange |
1674-01-15 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0195 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Proceedings of gov. Colve towards the burgomasters of New Orange |
1674-01-16 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0198 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Submission of the burgomasters of New Orange to gov. Colve |
1674-01-16 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0199 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order in the suit of Richard Smith vs. the town of Huntington |
1674-01-17 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0200a |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Typewritten translation of report of Jacob Leisler and Dirck van der Clyff of amounts due workmen at the fort |
1674-01-17 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0298 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Appointment of commissioners to investigate charges against the sheriff of Staten Island |
1674-01-22 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0200b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Minute of the appearance of certain Indian sachems of New Jersey before the council |
1674-01-22 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0201a |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order prohibiting the sale of strong liquors to soldiers and sailors in the public service |
1674-01-24 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0202a |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order for the punishment of a refractory seaman |
1674-01-25 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0201b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Petition of John Ogden for confirmation of certain ordinances enacted by the court of Achter Col |
1674-01-25 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0299 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order on a petition of the schout of Achter Col for the ratification of certain ordinances |
1674-01-30 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0202b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Petition of the minister and elders of the Lutheran church at Willemstadt to be allowed to bury their own dead |
1674-02-00 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0408 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Court minutes in the case of the fiscal vs. Van Deventer for insulting his superior officer |
1674-02-01 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0203 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Court minutes |
1674-02-01 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0204 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order referring the case of Richard Smith vs. the town of Huntington to arbitrators |
1674-02-01 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0206a |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Commission of assessors to make a return of all estates in New Orange over 1,000 guilders |
1674-02-01 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0206b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Complaint of the fiscal against capt. Fleet and Walter Webly |
1674-02-01 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0300 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Complaint of the fiscal against Asser Levy |
1674-02-01 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0301 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Complaint of the fiscal against Jacob Leunen |
1674-02-01 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0302 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order for the nomination of additional magistrates for Staten Island |
1674-02-06 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0207 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Condemnation of the ship Dolphin, captured by commanders Evertze and Benckes in the bay of Virginia |
1674-02-09 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0303 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Petition of the schout and magistrates of Flushing |
1674-02-09 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0304a |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Warrant for the arrest of Ralph Doxy and Mary Lintsch |
1674-02-10 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0208a |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Trial and sentence of two soldiers for fighting |
1674-02-10 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0305 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Trial of Ambrose Caesar, a soldier |
1674-02-10 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0306 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Deed of Ephraim Herman, agent of his father Augustyn Herman, to the widow and curators of the estate of the late Nicholas Davids |
1674-02-10 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_16 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Appointment of Gideon Marlet and Nathan Whiteman to be additional magistrates for Staten Island |
1674-02-14 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0208b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Writ of appeal from a judgment of the court of New Orange in the case of the fiscal vs. Van Deventer |
1674-02-14 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0208c |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order to the marshal to summon Dirck Jansen van Deventer before the gov. and council to answer a complaint of the fiscal |
1674-02-14 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0307 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Court minutes |
1674-02-15 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0210 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order on an application of Robert Coo for license to marry Jane, widow of Edward Rause |
1674-02-15 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0211a |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Patent of Jacobus van de Water for a house and lot in New Orange |
1674-02-15 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_37 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Patent of Gerrit Hendrickse for a house and lot in New Orange |
1674-02-15 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_38 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Patent of Ephraim and Casparus Hermans for land below New Amstel |
1674-02-16 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0433_56a |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order making further provision for a correct assessment of the real estate in New Orange |
1674-02-17 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0211b |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Return of estates in New Orange exceeding 1,000 guilders in value |
1674-02-19 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0228 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Petition of Anna Vermont for mitigation of the sentence of banishment pronounced against her husband |
1674-02-19 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0308 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Certificate signed by sundry citizens of New Orange in favor of Anna Vermont |
1674-02-19 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0309 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Ordinance for the exclusive use of Amsterdam weights and measures |
1674-02-20 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0212 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Petition of the precentor and grave digger of Willemstadt (Albany) to be maintained in the rights of his office |
1674-02-21 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0313 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Court minutes |
1674-02-22 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0213 |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |
Order authorizing Nicholas Bayard, vendue master, to sue for his fees |
1674-02-22 |
NYSA_A1881-78_V23_0215a |
New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative records (Series A1881 _ 1673-1674) |
New York State Archives |