Wampage II (also known as Ann Hook and Ninham-Wampage) was the Chieftain of the Siwanoys. Above is the image of his signature/mark as Wampage II, alias Ann Hook, taken from an original deed signed by Wampage II in the presence of James Mott, Justice of the Peace for the County of Westchester, in 1701.
Born between ca. 1645, probably at Ann Hook's Neck or Hunter Island
Died after 1705, the year in which he executed his last deed
Ninham-Wampage, son of Wampage I by Susanna Hutchinson, inherited his father's name and title and became Wampage II, Sachem of Ann Hook. The image above is of his mark, visible on several documents.
His chieftaincy was no doubt consumed by the land disputes of the time. The Siwanoys' territory in modern day New York City was hotly disputed between the English and the Dutch colonists. Wampage II's father, Wampage I, had sold 9,160 acres of land along Long Island Sound to English colonist Thomas Pell I, first Lord of Pelham Manor, in 1654. The Pells and the Siwanoys developed a friendly relationship which allowed the Siwanoys to continue living in the area now known as Pelham Bay Park - specifically, Rodman's Neck (then known as Ann Hook's Neck), and Hunter Island, where the Siwanoys had their stockaded settlement (which the colonists referred to as Wampage II's "castle").
Family tradition asserts that the mother of Wampage II was Susanna, the daughter of Anne Hutchinson. In August 1643, the Siwanoys, under the leadership of Wampage I and possibly aided by a group of Caribs and Arawaks, massacred the Hutchinson family. Only nine year old Susanna was spared, possibly due to her red hair. During her time in Siwanoy captivity, Pell family tradition says Susanna adopted the name "Autumn Leaf" and bore a son to Wampage I. Susanna was later discovered by colonists and was reluctantly returned to colonial life. According to Massachusetts governor John Winthrop, Susanna "had forgot her own language, and all her friends, and was loath to have come from the Indians."
Upon his father's death around 1681, Ninham-Wampage inherited his father's name and title and became Wampage II. He was called Sachem of Ann Hook because he inherited his father's "lordship" over the territory by that name, according to Pell family tradition.
On May 27, 1692, Wampage II and another chieftain, Maminipoe, sold additional lands along Long Island Sound to the trustees of Westchester County, New York. He signed the deed as "Wampage, alias Ann-hook", showing his use of the name Anhooke as an alias, like his father. He signed additional deeds in 1700, 1701, and 1705, under the name Ann Hook.
Wampage II was the father of Anna, who grew up on Hunter Island where the Siwanoys had a stockaded settlement. Anna later married Thomas Pell II, third Lord of Pelham Manor and son of Sir John Pell, in 1700.
He died sometime after 1705, the year when he executed his last deed. He is believed to be buried near the northern section of Ann Hook's Neck.