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Ancestor Notes

 Lodowyck Pos (Lodowyck Post). Captain of the “rattle-watch,” Lodowyck Pos supervised eight night watchmen, charged with patrolling New Amsterdam from dusk to dawn with loud rattles and lanterns with green-glass inserts. His salary of 10 guilders a month did not pay the rent, however, so he bought a house near the fort on the North River strand, and opened a tavern. The nearby soldiers, sailors and traders must have been a thirsty lot, because his squad of night watchmen began neglecting their duties. Pos was brought up before the burgomasters, the representative body accountable to the Council and ultimately to Director-General Pieter Stuyvesant. The Burgomasters had not forgotten that a mere ship’s boy had once taken Pos’ sword from him during a drunken brawl at the Blue Dove tavern. Pos was sternly reprimanded and threatened with the loss of his office, but no action was taken, and the complaints continued . . .  (Stokes, Vs. 2&4)